What is endpoint security?
What are endpoints and why is it crucial to protect them to keep your business secure?
Is my endpoint security sufficient?
Take a look at the list below of potential vulnerabilities and ask yourself if you are doing enough to keep your business endpoints secure from threats:
Operating systems
Are all the devices in your business running Windows XP or newer versions and are the servers the 2003 version or newer? Older versions may not have received patches or updates to protect against more recent security defects meaning your devices will be at greater risk from malware.
Updated programs
Are all of your applications up to date, and can you update programs and software on all the devices connected to your network? Older versions of software can have security holes, vulnerabilities, and bugs that can be exploited by hackers. These are often fixed with patches which is why you should always update all your business software.
Number of devices
Do you have control over all the devices that access your network? You should be able to access and update all their hardware regularly.
Predefined policies
Do you have predefined universal security policies that include breach processes, minimal passwords, and centrally managed security checks? Manual and ad-hoc controls and rules are not enough to guarantee maximum security for your business.
Keeping up to date
Are you up to date with the latest developments in cybersecurity? You don’t have to be an expert but cybersecurity is continually evolving, meaning that there are always new developments to learn about, whether it’s gaining a better understanding of cybercrime or keeping up to speed on improved security measures.
What can be classified as an endpoint device?
Computers and laptops
Mobile phones
Office appliances
Have questions about endpoint security?
What is the difference between network security and endpoint security?
As the name suggests, endpoint security is all about securing processes, business data, and sensitive information stored or passed through the devices connected to your network. Only after you have secured the endpoints, which are the most vulnerable part of your business, should you work on protecting your network as a whole so that cybercriminals and malware can’t get in.
Is antivirus the same as endpoint security?
Antivirus is an umbrella term. It is a program composed of multiple features that each protect a different part of your endpoint device (email, browser, files, etc.). However, not all antivirus products have everything it takes to fully protect your device so further protection may be necessary. That may mean setting up specific server protection, manually updating operating systems, and other additional tasks.
Is endpoint security different for businesses and consumers?
The basis of endpoint security is the same for consumers and businesses. However, the type and structure of protected data is different. Businesses store not only their own data, but also sensitive information about their clients, employees, and the business itself.
What is endpoint security management?
A set of rules defining the level of security that each device connected to the business network must comply with. These rules may include using an approved operating system (OS), installing a virtual private network (VPN), or running up-to-date antivirus software. If the device connecting to the network does not have the desired level of protection, it may have to connect via a guest network and have limited network access.